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Guide to Stain Removal for Carpets and Upholstery using Sodium Percarbonate

oxi cleaner sodium percarbonate stain remover

In the realm of household cleaning, sodium percarbonate stands out as a versatile and eco-friendly powerhouse. Comprising sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide, this compound boasts a range of applications, making it a favorite among environmentally conscious consumers. One of its remarkable uses lies in stain removal for carpets and upholstery. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the chemistry behind sodium percarbonate, explore its eco-friendly properties, and provide detailed insights into harnessing its magic for effectively banishing stains from carpets and upholstery.

What is Sodium Percarbonate?

Sodium percarbonate is a chemical compound known for its dual components - sodium carbonate (commonly referred to as soda ash) and hydrogen peroxide. As a solid, white, crystalline substance, it boasts remarkable cleaning and bleaching capabilities, making it a popular choice for various household applications.

The Chemistry at Play

When sodium percarbonate comes into contact with water, it undergoes a fascinating transformation. The compound disintegrates, releasing oxygen molecules into the surrounding environment. This oxygenating effect is the secret behind its stain-removing prowess, breaking down organic compounds and lifting stains with ease.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning with Sodium Percarbonate

Green Alternative to Traditional Cleaners

In an era where sustainability is paramount, sodium percarbonate shines as a green alternative to conventional cleaning products. Unlike harsh chemical cleaners that can harm the environment, sodium percarbonate breaks down into harmless byproducts, minimizing its ecological footprint.

Biodegradability and Safety

The biodegradable nature of sodium percarbonate ensures that its impact on the environment is temporary and non-toxic. This feature makes it a safe choice for households with children and pets, providing a cleaning solution that prioritizes both efficacy and environmental responsibility.

Stain Removal for Carpets and Upholstery

Preparing the Sodium Percarbonate Solution

Before diving into stain removal, it's crucial to understand the proper preparation of a sodium percarbonate solution. This section will outline the recommended ratios and techniques to ensure optimal effectiveness without risking damage to fabrics.

Testing for Compatibility

Given the diverse materials used in carpets and upholstery, it's essential to conduct a compatibility test before applying sodium percarbonate on a larger scale. This step helps prevent potential discoloration or damage and ensures a successful stain removal process.

Application Techniques

Explore various application techniques based on the type of stain and material. From creating a paste for stubborn stains to utilizing a spray bottle for broader coverage, we'll cover the best practices for maximizing sodium percarbonate's stain-fighting potential.

Specific Stain Removal Scenarios

Wine and Food Stains

Sodium percarbonate proves highly effective against common culprits like wine and food stains. Learn how to tackle these pesky marks with step-by-step instructions and insider tips.

Pet Stains and Odors

Pet owners rejoice! Sodium percarbonate can be a game-changer for removing pet stains and odors from carpets and upholstery. Discover the nuances of addressing these challenges and reclaiming a fresh, clean living space.

Grease and Oil Stains

Stubborn grease and oil stains are no match for sodium percarbonate's powerful oxygenating action. Uncover the secrets of combating these challenging stains without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Beyond Stain Removal - Additional Uses

Upholstery Refreshment

Learn how to use sodium percarbonate to refresh and revitalize upholstery, giving your furniture a new lease on life. Say goodbye to dull, dingy fabrics and hello to a cleaner, brighter home.

Carpet and Upholstery Maintenance

Explore preventive measures and maintenance tips to keep carpets and upholstery looking pristine. Discover how sodium percarbonate can play a role in extending the lifespan of your cherished furnishings.

As we conclude our journey through the world of sodium percarbonate and its stain-removing prowess, it's evident that this eco-friendly compound is a true champion in the realm of household cleaning. From its dual chemical composition to its green credentials and versatile applications, sodium percarbonate has rightfully earned its place as a staple in every environmentally conscious home. Armed with the knowledge shared in this comprehensive guide, you're now equipped to harness the magic of sodium percarbonate for stain removal, transforming your living space into a haven of cleanliness and sustainability.

Approximate solutions for various cleaning scenarios using sodium percarbonate, measured in grams per liter of water:

Mixing sodium percarbonate solution is a straightforward process, and the temperature of the water as well as the stirring technique can influence its effectiveness. Here's a general guide on how to mix and use a sodium percarbonate solution:

Materials Needed:

  • Sodium percarbonate
  • Measuring cup or scale
  • Warm water
  • Container for mixing
  • Stirring utensil


  1. Measure the Sodium Percarbonate:

    • Use a measuring cup or scale to measure the appropriate amount of sodium percarbonate based on the cleaning scenario. Refer to the guidelines provided earlier for specific measurements.
  2. Choose Water Temperature:

    • Warm water generally helps in dissolving sodium percarbonate more effectively. Aim for water temperatures between 40-60 degrees Celsius (104-140 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature range facilitates better solubility and activation of the cleaning properties.
  3. Add Sodium Percarbonate to Water:

    • Begin by adding the measured sodium percarbonate to the warm water in your mixing container. Stir the mixture gently to initiate the dissolving process.
  4. Stirring Technique:

    • Stir the solution until the sodium percarbonate is completely dissolved. Use a stirring utensil such as a spoon or whisk to ensure thorough mixing. Pay attention to any undissolved particles, and continue stirring until they are fully incorporated.
  5. Allow Activation:

    • Once the sodium percarbonate is dissolved, let the solution sit for a few minutes to allow the oxygen-releasing activation process to take place. This activation is crucial for the stain-removing capabilities of sodium percarbonate.
  6. Testing Compatibility:

    • Before applying the solution to a larger area, perform a compatibility test on a small, inconspicuous section to ensure that it does not cause any adverse reactions such as discoloration or damage.
  7. Application:

    • Apply the sodium percarbonate solution using the chosen application technique (spraying, spreading a paste, etc.) based on the cleaning scenario.

Important Tips:

  • Avoid using extremely hot water, as it may lead to the loss of the oxygenating properties of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Stir the solution well, but avoid creating excessive foam to prevent unnecessary splashing.
  • Wear protective gloves and, if necessary, eye protection when handling and applying the solution.

By following these steps, you can effectively mix and apply a sodium percarbonate solution for various cleaning purposes, ensuring optimal stain removal and fabric revitalization.


Preparing a Sodium Percarbonate Solution:

  • For general cleaning purposes: 20-30 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.

2. Testing for Compatibility:

  • Use the same solution as in general cleaning (20-30 grams per liter) for compatibility testing.

3. Application Techniques:

  • Spray Solution: 20-30 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.

  • Paste for Stubborn Stains: Create a thick paste by mixing 3 parts sodium percarbonate with 1 part water.

4. Specific Stain Removal Scenarios:

  • Wine and Food Stains:
    • 30-40 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.
  • Pet Stains and Odors:
    • 40-50 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.
  • Grease and Oil Stains:
    • 40-50 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.

5. Beyond Stain Removal - Additional Uses:

  • Upholstery Refreshment:

    • 20-30 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water.
  • Carpet and Upholstery Maintenance:

    • 20-30 grams of sodium percarbonate per liter of water for routine maintenance.

Note: These are approximate guidelines, and it's crucial to conduct a compatibility test on a small, inconspicuous area before using any solution on a larger scale. Additionally, consider the sensitivity of the material and adjust the concentration accordingly. Always follow safety instructions provided by the product and the manufacturer of the items being cleaned.

Always buy sodium percarbonate from trusted chemical supplier !

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