News — potassium iodide
Potassium Iodide - all you need to know
Lugol's Iodine Solution potassium iodide

Potassium iodide – application, treatment, what is it and how it works Potassium iodide, or potassium salt of hydroiodic acid, is an inorganic chemical compound with the symbol KI. Potassium iodide forms colourless crystals that are easily soluble in water. Potassium iodide is added in a small amount to table salt, serving to iodize it. Iodine supplementation is necessary in areas where there is a deficiency of this element - too little iodine in the body is associated with the risk of many diseases and ailments. Medical use of Potassium Iodide Potassium iodide is one of the ingredients of Lugol's...
Potassium Iodide / Lugol's Iodine Solution uses
Lugol's Iodine Solution potassium iodide

The use of Potassium Iodide. Potassium iodide is associated with a large part of our society with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. After the explosion of the nuclear power plant, Lugol's liquid was administered, in particular, to children and pregnant women. It prevented the absorption of the radioactive iodine isotope from radioactive fallout resulting from a power plant explosion. This is just one of the very many uses of potassium iodide.Lugol's liquid was developed by Jean Lugol in the 19th century. The solution is obtained by solubilization (the process of increasing the solubility of a substance). Elemental iodine is very sparingly...