News — borax
How to remove rust using chemicals
borax citric acid gel rust remover oxalic acid phosphoric acid rust removing sodium chloride white vinegar

How to remove rust from metal? Before we present possible ways to remove rust, we need to explain what rust actually is and how it is formed. Rust appears on various metals, destroys not only objects but also structures. We check what rust is and why it does not attack stainless steel. Rust is the result of the oxidation of iron and iron alloys due to the presence of moist air, soil or direct contact with water. The rust layer consists mainly of iron oxides and hydroxides. This entire oxidation process is technically known as corrosion. Rusty elements lose...
How to get rid of ants with Borax Powder or Boric Acid (pictures)
ant killer borax boric acid pest controll

How to get rid of ants with borax powder or Boric Acid (pictures) Do you have ants at home? Most often, it is recommended to purchase boric acid or borax powder for insect removal. You bought it, but you don't know how to use it? In this article, we have collected recipes for the most effective traps based on this poison. Let's find out how to get rid of ants with boric acid. The most effective way to get rid of ants is to use borax or boric acid. It is a natural mineral mined in Turkey and North...
Homemade washing powder - why is it worth it?
borax sodium bicarbonate sodium carbonate washing up powder

How to make homemade washing powder? You can make homemade washing powder yourself and it won't take long. It has many positives, including the most important thing is that you know exactly what ingredients you use to make the product. Check how to make homemade washing powder and what you will need. Homemade washing powder - why is it worth it? Allergies, skin irritations, stain residues - these are just some of the problems that anyone who uses washing powders bought in a supermarket can struggle with. Popular measures can also pollute the environment, namely, they have components that do...