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News — varroa treatment

Fighting Varroa with organic acids - Oxalic - Lactic - Formic

lactic acid oxalic acid varroa varroa treatment

Fighting Varroa with organic acids - Oxalic - Lactic - Formic

What is varroa? Varroa is a dangerous disease that attacks honeybees. What is varroa, how to recognize it and effectively treat it? We will find answers to these questions. Varroa is a parasitic disease caused by a species of mite called Varroa destructor that was discovered on a bee over a century ago. The disease affects bees, causing losses in the bee colony, and therefore requires constant control by beekeepers. Varroa appeared in UK in the early 1980s and is present all the time. Honey bees do not have any defense mechanisms that inhibit the multiplication of mites, so beekeepers...

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How to use Oxalic Acid

oxalic acid varroa treatment wood bleach

How to use Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid uses, facts, tips and instructions   Oxalic acid is an organic chemical compound, the simplest dicarboxylic acid. Found in many plants (including sorrel and rhubarb), it takes the form of a white powder or crystals, without a distinct smell. It is obtained by heating sodium formate to approximately 400 ° C to form sodium oxalate which is then converted to oxalic acid with dilute sulfuric acid. Another method is to pass carbon dioxide over metallic sodium or potassium at 360 ° C, and oxidize ethylene glycol or oxidize many other organic compounds (e.g. sugars) with nitric acid.Oxalic acid...

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