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News — wood bleach

Oxalic Acid - what is is and what is it used for?

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Oxalic Acid - what is is and what is it used for?

What is Oxalic Acid? Oxalic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with the chemical formula C2H2O4. It is a dicarboxylic acid, meaning it has two carboxylic acid groups (COOH) in its structure. Oxalic acid is found in various plants, especially in high concentrations in some vegetables like spinach, rhubarb, and beet greens. It is also present in certain minerals. How to use Oxalic Acid? In do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, oxalic acid has several popular uses due to its properties as a cleaning and bleaching agent. Here are some of the most common DIY applications of oxalic acid: Wood Restoration: Oxalic...

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The Power of Oxalic Acid: A Guide to Metal Cleaning and Polishing

metal cleaning oxalic acid rust removing wood bleach

The Power of Oxalic Acid: A Guide to Metal Cleaning and Polishing

When it comes to restoring the luster of metal surfaces, one substance stands out for its remarkable effectiveness: oxalic acid. This versatile chemical compound is widely used in the realm of metal cleaning and polishing, delivering impressive results. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of oxalic acid and explore how it can revitalize your tarnished metal objects. From removing rust to restoring brilliance, oxalic acid offers a powerful solution that will leave your metals shining like new. Understanding Oxalic Acid Oxalic acid, also known as ethanedioic acid, is a naturally occurring compound found in various plants...

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How to use Oxalic Acid

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How to use Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid uses, facts, tips and instructions   Oxalic acid is an organic chemical compound, the simplest dicarboxylic acid. Found in many plants (including sorrel and rhubarb), it takes the form of a white powder or crystals, without a distinct smell. It is obtained by heating sodium formate to approximately 400 ° C to form sodium oxalate which is then converted to oxalic acid with dilute sulfuric acid. Another method is to pass carbon dioxide over metallic sodium or potassium at 360 ° C, and oxidize ethylene glycol or oxidize many other organic compounds (e.g. sugars) with nitric acid.Oxalic acid...

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