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Unlocking the Versatile Potential of Sulphamic Acid: Practical Applications

descaling agent pH adjuster SULPHAMIC ACID

In the world of chemicals, there are certain substances that possess a vast array of practical applications. Sulphamic acid (sulfamic acid), a versatile compound with diverse properties, is one such example. Despite its relatively low profile compared to other chemicals, sulphamic acid has found its place in various industries, from cleaning and descaling to pharmaceuticals and beyond. In this blog, we will explore the practical uses of sulphamic acid and shed light on its remarkable versatility.

sulphamic acid

1. Cleaning and Descaling Agent:

One of the primary applications of sulphamic acid is as a cleaning and descaling agent. It exhibits excellent descaling properties, making it ideal for removing mineral deposits, rust, limescale, and hard water stains. Sulphamic acid is commonly used to clean and maintain household appliances like coffee makers, kettles, and dishwashers. It is also effective in industrial settings for descaling heat exchangers, boilers, and condensers, ensuring efficient operation and prolonging the lifespan of equipment.

2. Household Cleaners:

Sulphamic acid (sulfamic acid) serves as a crucial ingredient in various household cleaning products. It is particularly valued for its ability to remove stubborn stains, including tea and coffee stains, soap scum, and mineral deposits. You can find it in bathroom cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, tile and grout cleaners, and kitchen descalers. Its effectiveness, coupled with its safe and non-toxic nature, makes sulphamic acid a popular choice for household cleaning applications.

3. Metal Surface Treatment:

In the metalworking industry, sulphamic acid plays a vital role in metal surface treatment. It is utilized for removing rust, oxide films, and scales from metal surfaces, preparing them for subsequent processes such as painting, plating, or welding. Sulphamic acid is a milder alternative to harsher acids like hydrochloric acid, making it suitable for delicate metals and alloys, including stainless steel, aluminum, and copper.

4. pH Adjustment and Acidic Cleaning:

Sulphamic acid is an effective pH adjuster and acidifier, finding utility in various applications. It is commonly used to lower the pH of industrial cleaning solutions, swimming pool water, and water treatment processes. Moreover, it acts as a catalyst in the synthesis of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, ensuring the desired reaction conditions and enhancing product purity.

5. Pharmaceutical Applications:

Sulphamic acid has garnered attention in the pharmaceutical industry due to its diverse applications. It is used as a raw material in the synthesis of various pharmaceutical compounds, including antiviral and anticancer drugs. Additionally, sulphamic acid has been explored for its potential as a drug delivery system, enabling controlled and targeted release of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

6. Analytical Chemistry:

Sulphamic acid plays a role in analytical chemistry as a titrating agent and a primary standard. It is employed for the determination of substances like nitrites, ammonia, and amines in various samples. The compound's stable nature and precise stoichiometry make it a reliable choice in analytical laboratories.


sulphamic acid hdpe 500g


The multifaceted nature of sulphamic acid makes it a valuable chemical compound with practical applications in diverse fields. From its role as a powerful cleaning and descaling agent to its applications in metal surface treatment, pharmaceutical synthesis, and analytical chemistry, sulphamic acid proves its worth in multiple industries. Its effectiveness, safety, and versatility continue to drive its usage, and ongoing research may uncover even more innovative applications for this remarkable compound in the future.

sulphamic acid label

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  • HD Team on

    Cleaning and Descaling:

    For descaling applications, a common dilution is around 5% to 10% sulphamic acid in water. For example, if you have a concentrated solution of sulphamic acid, you might dilute 1 part of the concentrated acid with 9 parts of water to achieve a 10% solution.
    Household Cleaning Products:

    In household cleaning products, sulphamic acid is often used in lower concentrations, typically around 1% to 5%.

    The dilution rate in electroplating baths can vary, but it is generally in the range of 1% to 10%, depending on the specific requirements of the plating process.
    Metal Brightening:

    Dilution rates for metal brightening can vary, but typical concentrations may range from 5% to 20%.
    Swimming Pool Water Treatment:

    Sulphamic acid is added to swimming pool water in small amounts. The dilution can be as low as 0.1% to 0.5% in water.

  • Tiago on

    Hi how much water I need to add to 1000g of sulphamic acid. Thanks


    I have just purchased 500g of sulphamic acid from you to descale a water heater for a hot tap but do not know what ratio to mix it or use it
    Please help!
    Thanks Mick Collins

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