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Potassium Iodide / Lugol's Iodine Solution uses

Lugol's Iodine Solution potassium iodide

Potassium Iodide / Lugol's Iodine Solution uses

The use of Potassium Iodide. Potassium iodide is associated with a large part of our society with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. After the explosion of the nuclear power plant, Lugol's liquid was administered, in particular, to children and pregnant women. It prevented the absorption of the radioactive iodine isotope from radioactive fallout resulting from a power plant explosion. This is just one of the very many uses of potassium iodide.Lugol's liquid was developed by Jean Lugol in the 19th century. The solution is obtained by solubilization (the process of increasing the solubility of a substance). Elemental iodine is very sparingly...

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How to use Sulphur Powder in the garden?

flower of sulphur sulphur fertilizer sulphur powder yellow sulphur

How to use Sulphur Powder in the garden?

Sulphur Powder has many uses. Starting from the beekeeping industry, through rubber, cellulose, pharmaceutical and petroleum. Sulfur is used in the production of plant protection products, artificial fibers, and is ideal for disinfecting rooms. It is a very popular product used for soil acidification. For dyes, artificial fibers. It is a component of matches and fireworks. It is an excellent product used in horticulture. Sulfur is a natural product and consists of 99.96% of sulfur and traces of ash in an amount from 0.02% to a maximum value of 0.1% Use of Sulphur Powder: Sulfur is one of the most...

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What is Boric Acid Used For?

What is Boric Acid Used For?

Orthoboric acid, hydrogen borate, Boric acid are all common names of the H3BO3 chemical compound. This commonly used acid primarily comes in two forms: either a white powder or colourless crystals. Boric acid, as a boron compound, has many uses in industry, cosmetics, and even medicine. It is a common and extremely useful compound, and in this article, we'll go over some of its major uses. #1 Pesticide Due to the acidic nature of the compound, boric acid acts as an effective pesticide against a variety of pests in the garden including rats, cockroaches, etc. You can find boric acid...

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Boric Acid Pest Control

Boric Acid Pest Control

Are you trying to find the best way to deal with a pest problem? Pest control can really be a tricky topic, but there are certain ways that work wonders and can make your life significantly better. What chemicals UK will do the job correctly and succeed as a way to kill insects? Find out and invest in the right pest control method. Borax vs Boric Acid Powder Most of the people have basic knowledge about pest control, or at least have some vague ideas about it. For your pest problem to go away, though, you have to be sure of what...

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The Domestic and Industrial Uses of Sulfamic Acid

The Domestic and Industrial Uses of Sulfamic Acid

Sulfamic acid, also known as amino sulfonic acid and amido sulfuric acid, is a colourless, soluble acid that has a large number of both domestic and industrial uses. Industrial production of this chemical goes back to pre-WW2 -- it is a true-and-tried useful chemical that has admirably withstood the test of time.  So, Sulfamic acid is used for what? Why is 100s of thousands of tons of this chemical produced each year? We'll go through the most common sulfamic acid uses in this article.  #1 Descaler and Cleaner Sulfamic acid is a very powerful descaler and is widely used both...

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